E-Mode Patient self-Assessment of THYroid therapy


Thyroid Federation International (TFI), as a global network of patient support organizations, teamed up with four international thyroid experts to conduct research that would help us understand the experiences of hypothyroid patients about their treatment and care.  

This E-MPATHY (E-Mode Patient self-Assessment of THYroid therapy) study was overseen by Picker Institute Europe (Picker), who are an independent healthcare research charity (www.picker.org). Funding for the project was provided by Institute BioChimique SA. (IBSA). We reached out to patients diagnozed with hypothyroidism, and asked them to complete a questionnaire.

We developed and tested an online patient experience questionnaire that was used to collect feedback from patients receiving care for hypothyroidism to find out more about their experiences of treatment and care. The survey questions revolved around the quality of life of patients, demographic questions, etc.