Open to members of associated organizations
such as AOTA, ATA, ETA, LATS, etc.


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Are you a thyroid/endocrine/other organization?
Is the organization connected to one of the international thyroid associations?
Does your organization provide information in your language(s)?

Thyroid Federation International

Thyroid Federation International (TFI) was established in 1995. It is a network of patient-support organizations worldwide, working together for the benefit of those affected by thyroid disorders by providing information and raising awareness. TFI assists the formation of patient-oriented groups, encourages high standards amongst patient support groups and works closely with the medical professions. Affiliated members of Thyroid Federation International are expected to:

  • help publicize Thyroid Federation International
  • support the start of and work with patient organizations in their country
  • share relevant and appropriate information with other TFI members
  • adhere to the principles of TFI
  • act as an ambassador for TFI and reflect the views of the organization as a whole
  • treat other members of TFI with respect
  • abide by the criteria required by the ATA Alliance for Thyroid Patient Education

By signing/inserting my name below I confirm that I have read and understood the above regulations and agree to abide by these. I will notify the Executive Committee of TFI of any changes.