Giulia Giombolini
Giulia is the TFI Treasurer. She is involved in the organization and the management of endocrine patient associations in Italy: CAPE Italia and La Lumaca ODV. These associations were created by endocrine patients with the aim of bridging the gap between patients and the medical scientific community. She is a “EUPATI expert patient” (European Patients’ Academy), a European project aimed at disseminating knowledge about drug research and development. She has worked and continues to collaborate on several Italian projects regarding iodoprophylaxis, primarily carried out in schools thanks to a collaboration with the Italian National Institute of Health and the Ministry of Education. Among these projects are Salt Laboratory, a workshop on salt and the importance of iodine; an interactive booklet for younger students entitled Mr. Iody and Little Salty and projects providing free thyroid ultrasounds for adults and children during dedicated awareness days.